He’s Not a Socialist, He’s Not a Muslim, and He Can’t Be Both

People who criticize others often expose their own ignorance. For instance, anyone who calls President Obama a Marxist or a socialist is ignorant of the definition of these words.

Don’t take my word for it; read what Ron Paul said about Obama: "In the technical sense, in the economic definition, he is not a socialist. He’s a corporatist."

Likewise, people who claim Obama is a Muslim ignore the fact that he was raised as an agnostic and  baptized as a Christian in the 1990s at Trinity United Church of Christ. Strangely, many of these same critics are quick to criticize Obama over controversial remarks made by the church’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Finally, Obama opponents who claim he’s both a Muslim and a Marxist seem ignorant of the fact that the two ideologies are incompatible.

Consider this from Defending Islam, whose articles are reviewed and spproved by Islamic scholars: "Islam does not instinctively respond to Communism (Marxism) nor accept its ideology. Communism does not have a place in the lives of Muslims." 

As citizens, we have a right—and an obligation—to review President Obama’s record. Most thinking people will agree with some of his policies and disagree with others, and a thoughtful review of his policies and his opponent’s should determine our votes. But our votes should be based on facts, not on lies and ignorance.


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